Special Cancellation and Cover
Special Cover: An EvenUlnstitution/Personality(Posthumously)/Occasion/Product etc. which is not considered important enough to be commemorated by issue of Commemorative/Specialstamp orforwhich a stamp cannot be accommodated in the annual Stamp issue programme may be commemorated by the Department of Posts by issue of Special Cover which can be cancelled with a special cancellation of the post office identified for the purpose. Such covers are issued at the instance of an entity which has a locus on the subject on which the Special Cover is proposed to be issued, if applied two months in advance of the proposed date of issue in prescribed Proposal form (Annex) on payment of requisite charges. Department of Posts may also issue Special Covers on its own motion.
Special Cancellation: Besides Special Covers, the proposals for the issuance of only Spl. Cancellations to commemorate an Event / lnstitution / Personality (Posthumously) 7 Occasion /Product etc. can also be considered for approval.
Subiects on which Special Covers can be issued: As an illustration the Special Covers/Spl. Cancellations can be issued on following subjects:
The above is an illustration list not an exhaustive one, for the guidance of various authorities competent to approve such proposals.
3. Who can be the proponent: Such covers/cancellation are issued at the instance of Central Government, State Government, UT Government, any GovernmenUstate/PSU organisation/entity, any registered company/Private entity, Registered Society, Recognised Association etc. Department of Posts may also issue Special Covers on its own motion.
4. Competent Authority:
i. Head of Circle ( in case of CPMG being the in charge of a Region)/ Regional Postmaster General / Addl DG, APS/ Addl. DG(Coord.) or the Member heading the Philately Division are competent to sanction the issuance of Special Covers (with or without gancellation)/Special Cancellation commemorating any EvenUlnstitutions/Personality(Posthumously) /Occasion /Product etc. under their jurisdiction having National/State level significance /importance /appeal subject to fulfilment of laid down conditions
ii. ln cases where the Special Cover/Cancellation are to simultaneously in places falling under the jurisdiction of more than be issued one Circle,Directorate/Addl. DG or Member concerned heading philately Division will be the competent authority to approve such proposals at the instance of Circle where request was tendered by the proponent.
iii. ln Postal Directorate Addl. DG or Member concerned heading philately Division shall be the competent authority to issue directions to Circle(s) to lssue Special Cover/ Special Cancellations to commemorate any evenupersonality(posthumously) /Producuoccasion or any other theme of importance by sharing the uniform design(s).
iv. ln Postal Directorate, Addl. DG or lvlember concerned heading philatety Division, will continue to approve all such proposals for special cover which have a bearing on the diplomatic relations of lndia with other countries in consultation with MEA.
v. ln APS Directorate, Addl DG, ApS will approve all such proposals for special cover on Defence Themes/subjects as clearances from various Defence establishments & Branches are required to be obtained.
5. Procedure for application:
i. The proponent must apply in prescribed application (Annexure A ) with the concerned authority (para 4) under whose jurisdiction the place falls from where, the spl. Cover/cancellation is proposed to be released/issued.
ii. All such applications must be made in prescribed form at least two months before the proposed date of such release/issue along with copies of documents in support to establish the connection /locus of the theme/subject with the proponent.
iii. The self certified copies of documents in support of the valid registration/recognition status ofthe proponent entity should invariably be attached with the application.
iv. The designs ofthe proposed special cover and cancellation cachet shall also be provided by the proponent along with application for approval.
v. The copies of authenticated supporting documents etc. on the subjecutheme of the proposed Spl Cover /cancellation must also be provided by the proponent along with application.
vi. All duly filled applications must be signed at all specified places including the undertaking portion in token of acceptance of all terms & conditions on the subject matter.
vi. Department reserves the right not to consider proposals tendered incomplete in any aspect, without informing its proponenuapplicant.
6. Procedure to be followed :
i. The competent authority shall arrange to get the proposal so received, examined to check its completeness in all aspects.
ii. The competent authority may take a clue from the below mentioned illustrative checklist while examining the proposals, to ensure that
a. The theme/subject of the Spl Cover/Cancellation should be of considerable importance/relevance at the lnternational/National/State level.
c. The theme of the proposed Spl. Cover/Cancellation has been selected with due diligence keeping in view that it must not tarnish the image of Government and Department of Posts.
d. The theme of the proposed Spl. Cover /cancellation should not put Government & Department of Posts jn any sort of controversy.
e. The proponent is of repute with established credibility.
f. The proponent should not have indulged in activities which may be a cause of embarrassment to the government and Department of posts
g. The theme/subjects of the proposed Spl Cover/Cancellation should not adversely atfect the Diplomatic Relations.
h. The subject /occasion of the Spl Cover/Cancellation must be non - controversial and bears no communal and political overtones.
iii. The proponent shall be intimated about rejection/in princjpal acceptance of its proposal, within two weeks from the date of receipt of such proposal ( Annexure B ).
iv A copy of the in-Principle approval letter should invariably be sent to Circle office for information , maintenance of centralised record with the mention of Unique Serial Number of Spl . Cover.
v. The proponent will be required to deposit all requite fees and charges at specified otfice and to submit a copy of such receipt with in one week's time.
vi. Department of Posts will initiate further process of finalisation of designs etc. only after deposition of all charges by the proponent.
vii. The proponent is required to incorporate necessary modifications/changes in the desjgn and text of the Spl Cover as well as in cancellation, as suggested by Department of posta. However, Department of Posts reserves the right to modify any design or inscription in the special cover/cancellation cachet without assigning any reason.
viii. Department of Posts reserves the right to reject any application/proposal for special cancellation/cover or to disallow or to modify any design or inscription in the special cover/cancellation cachet without assigning any reason.
ix. After finalisation of the designs, the proponent is required to share the soft copies of the designs of the Spl Cover and Spl Cancellation (Open file) with colour scheme immediately with the Department of Posts, seeking formal approval.
x. After careful examination of the designs and other speciflcations vis a vis with the laid down guidelines , Department will convey the formal approval to the proponent enclosing the duly signed copies of approved designs of Spl Cover and Spl. Cancellation ( Annexure c)
xi. Department of Posts will arrange to prepare the cancellation cachet and the same shall remain in its custody.
xii. Department of Posts will arrange to cancel the Spl. Covers affixed with minimum postage stamps equivalent to the prevailing minimum inland letter mail rate, in requisite ordered quantity preferably one day in advance from the date of release.