Please observe the following guidelines for speedy settlement of your grievances:
For online lodging of complaints and status updates through the to the home page and click on Customer Complaints link, select option Register Your Complaint for lodging a complaint, and select option Track your Complaint for knowing the position of the case.)
Register your complaint in the Post Office where the transaction has taken place and get an acknowledgment.
Approach the next higher authority of the Department if the complaint is not settled in a reasonable time.
The standards for resolving complaints are announced through the Citizen Charter of the Department of Posts available in the link About Us on the Home page of this website.
Complaint on Postal Services addressed to Postal Directorate, New Delhi, may only be addressed to the concerned officer and sent on the given email, telephone, or fax number.
A. Initial Level for lodging Complaints
Sl. No. | Nature of Complaints | Whom to Complain |
No data available. |
B. If the complaint is still not settled, the complainant may approach the Chief Postmaster General of the respective Circle at the following address:
Chief Postmaster General Information
Sl. No. | Name of the Circle | Address | E-mail ID, Telephone No., and Fax Number |
No data available. |
C. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the action taken, he/she may approach the following Officers in the Postal Directorate, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 according to the nature of the complaint:
Sl. No. | Nature of Complaint | Designation and Address of the Officer | E-mail ID, Telephone No., and Fax Number |
No data available. |