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A Letter means any communication, which is enclosed in an envelope and addressed.

Sending a letter within India? Whether you want on-time delivery, extra security with registration or get your article insured, we've got you covered.

Maximum Weight: 2 Kilograms

Size PrescribedMinimummaximum
If the letter is in roll form
Any Single diameter10 cm80 cm
Length + twice the diameter17 cm100 cm
If the letter is not in roll form
Any Single dimension140mm*90mm with tolerance of +- 2 mm60 cm
Length + Breadth + Depth90 cm
Letter in other than roll form shall be in envelopes of the following sizes, unless its dimension are more than 353 x 250 mm, namely
  1. 140 x 90mm
  2. 152 x 90mm
  3. 220 x 110mm
  4. 162 x 114mm
  5. 176 x 125mm
  6. 229 x 162mm
  7. 324 x 229mm
  8. 353 x 250mm
With tolerance of +-2 mm
  1. These dimensions are not binding on letter sent to or received from any other country.
  2. All envelopes must have flap at the top on the back of the longer side and not at the right or the left.
  3. Envelops should be made of paper of the following thickness:-
    Minimum 0.08mm
    Maximum 0.18mm
  4. Surface of the envelope should be level with uniform surface structure.

The Director General may prescribe that every letter having contents of a specified nature and posted at or addressed to such places as the Director General may notify, shall be accompanied by a declaration in such form as may be prescribed by the Director General.

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