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Addressing tips to help your mail arrive on time

Follow our addressing guidelines to avoid delays or returned parcels by​:

How to address an envelop​

  1. Address of the addressee shall be written on front side and sender’s address on back side on an envelope. Minimum 15mm blank space shall be kept from left, bottom and right side of envelope.
  2. Logo and name of the senders company can be written on top left corner and stamps or frank impression on top right corner having gap of minimum 10mm from address block of recipient.
  3. Address block of addressee shall have minimum gap of 40 mm from top..
  4. Stamps or Frank impressions shall be affixed in maximum area of 74 mm.
  5. 15mm shall be left for bar code printing at the bottom of envelope and there should be 5 mm quiet space around 2D barcode.
  6. The sender’s logo size should not exceed 25 x 50 mm in size and the 2D barcode should have minimum size 18 x 18 mm.
  7. The size of printed bar code along with quiet zone should be kept minimum 60 mm in length and 10 mm in breadth in a window of envelope and should be clearly visible.
  8. A quiet zone of ​​minimum 10 mm on all sides of address block must be maintained if advertisement is printed on privately manufactured envelope or inland letter card. ​
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