Right to Information Act 2005



The primary documents held by the Department relate to the work papers in respect of various products and services. These documents include the records of movement and delivery of accountable articles like Registered Letters, Insured Letters, Insured Parcels, Money Orders, Speed Post, Value payable articles. The record of movement of mailbags is also available. All these records are available for a limited period of 6 months to 18 months depending on the product. It is not possible to retain records beyond the prescribed period due to administrative reasons and space limitations. These documents can be made available to public on request, especially in cases relating to accountable articles with acknowledgements where the acknowledgements have been misplaced and not received by the sender as required by him/her. The records relating to financial, savings bank and postal life insurance are also available in the post office and related administrative offices.


In addition to the documents relating to operations mentioned above, the respective offices have custody of the files dealt with by them in the discharge of their functions. Other documents available with nodal branches are as follows:

Name of Section/ DivisionDocuments
PF SectionFiles dealing with important policies relating to policy matter relating to paper, printing & supply of forms through Govt. of India Presses/Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar, Stamps & Seals manufactured by P S C I C S Ltd., Aligarh.
UPE SectionFiles dealing with procurement of 4 types of bags on centralized basis policy matters relating to other decentralized items - uniform and ject items and stamp cancellation Materials Procurement.
Corporate Planning Section
  • Draft National Postal Policy and related documents/papers.
  • Papers related to Expenditure Reforms Committee (ERC) and Manpower Planning of the Department.
  • India – Reference Manual Portion relating to DOP from 2002 to 2005.
  • Economic Survey portion pertaining to DOP from 2002 to 2005.
  • Data / Information furnished to Economic Editors Conference from 2003 to 2005.
  • Approved Plan documents from 1st Plan to 10th​ Plan.
  • Annual Plan Documents from 2002 to 2003 onwards up to 2005-06.
  • Material pertaining to DOP related to Standing Committee on Information Technology from 1992 to 2004-05.
  • Communication/Interface with Planning Commission.
STT SectionBook Of Information and Annual Report.
Integrated Finance Wing
  • General Financial Rules/Delegation of Financial Rules prescribed by Ministry of Finance.
  • Delegation of Financial Power to Secretary and Member of the Postal Services Board.
Vigilance SectionDocuments relating to investigation of complaints of corruption against officers of the Department and documents relating to disciplinary cases which are secret/confidential in nature.
Planning Section
  • Files dealing with important policies relating to expansion/rationalization of the network.
  • Policies relating to provision of letter boxes fulfillment of Universal Service Obligation.
  • Norms for opening of post offices/Punchayat Sanchar Seva Kendra.
  • Upgrading/Downgrading and closing of post offices.
  • Calculation of income-cost norms for post offices.
  • Action Take Note on recommendations of the Standing Committee of Parliament.
  • Papers related with collaborations made for optimizing the network.
  • Papers relating to target allocations under annual plans and achievement made by various circles in respect of expansion of postal network and provision of infrastructure equipment to rural post office.
  • Reference received from circles with proposals for opening of post offices or renaming of post offices.

Mails Division

  • MIS on Mail Operations.
  • All India Postal Index Number (PIN) Code Directory.
  • Standard Format for Notice Inviting Tender for carriage of mail by Private transporter.
  • Standard format for Notice Inviting Tender for carriage of Domestic Mail by Private Airlines.

Establishment Section

  • Time Factors for different items of work for deciding the establishment requirements of each office with respect to all categories of staff.
  • Time factors for activities related to various services and operations of the Department.
  • Norms for supply of postal franking machine for use in post offices.
  • Method for calculation of income and cost of post offices.
  • Standard of work for jobs in Departmental libraries.
  • Instructions for performance of various functions.

Philately Section

  • Monthly statement of promotion and development of philately (Revenue Statement).
  • Monthly statement with regard to opening of philatelic deposit account (PDAs).
  • Monthly statement of fund utilization.
  • Monthly statement of stock position of postage stamps and stationery.

Public Grievances Section

  • Citizens Charter.
  • Compendium for redress of public grievances.
  • List of computerized customer care centers.
  • Quarterly statement of complaints.
  • Statement on special drives.

Welfare & Sports Section

  • Financial Assistance in cases of death of Postal Employees / GDSs etc.
  • Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal Employees / GDSs etc. due to terrorist activity/ dacoits etc. while on duty.
  • Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal employees /GDSs etc. while on duty due to accidents.
  • Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal Employees /GDSs etc. by terrorists, robbers etc. while not on duty.
  • Financial Assistance in cases of natural calamities, Fire and floods.
  • Financial Assistance in cases of prolonged and serious illness /major Surgeries.
  • Financial assistance for regular employees/ GDSs suffering from TB.
  • Grant of Financial Assistance for Extra Ordinary Leave and Half Pay Leave due to prolonged illness.
  • Financial assistance for purchase of Mechanical/ Motorized Tricycle for orthopedic ally handicapped employees.
  • Grant of educational assistance to the children of Postal Employees.
  • Incentive for excellence in academic achievement for Xth & XIIth Class.
  • Scholarships for UPSC Examinations.
  • Scholarships for SC/ ST employees for Departmental Examination and higher education.
  • Scholarship for development of individual personality.
  • Grant of Scholarships and transport charges to handicapped children of Postal Employees.
  • Financial assistance for Excursion Trips.
  • Financial assistance to the Central Postal Ladies.
  • Organization and its subordinate organizations in the Circles.
  • Financial Assistance to tailoring classes.
  • Holiday Homes.
  • Financial assistance to Recreation Clubs.
  • Financial Assistance to Residents Welfare Associations.
  • Augmentation of Welfare Fund by voluntary contributions from the staff.
  • Grant of financial assistance on compassionate grounds.
  • Facilities to Sportspersons prescribed by Department of Personnel and Training.

FS Division​

  • Files relating to the policies and procedure related to operations of National Small Saving Schemes
  • Files relating to CBS and ATM operations
  • Files relating to Financial Services viz, WUMT (Western Union Money Transfer). APY (Atal Pension Yojna), PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojna) and PMSBY (Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna)
  • Files relating to the regularisation of National Small Savings Schemes Accounts relaxing the rule
  • File relating to the target allocation in respect of Post Office Saving Bank Accounts opening and Jan Suraksha Schemes
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