Packing Parcels
A parcel should ideally be packed and enclosed in a reasonably strong case wrapper, or cover fastened in a manner calculated to preserve the contents from loss or damage in the post, to prevent any tampering therewith, and to protect other postal articles from being damaged in any way thereby. If a parcel contains cloth or woolen material it must be packed in a strong wrapper with an outer covering of stout card-board or cloth. It is suggested to use a wooden or a stout cardboard case according to the nature of the article for packing a parcel.
Liquid and substances which liquefy easily must be dispatched in a double receptacle. Between the first receptacle (bottle, talks, box etc) and the second (which must be a box of metal or strong wood) some space must be left to be filled with saw-dust, bran or some other absorbing material in sufficient quantity to absorb all the liquid contents in the event of breakage.
Live-bees must be enclosed in suitable cases and so packed as to prevent all risk of injury to other postal articles in course of transmission by post or to officers of the Post Office.

Human and other viscera
Human and other viscera may be transmitted by the Inland post to Chemical Examiners for analysis. Brains of rabid animals may also be transmitted by post to authorized laboratories when sent by persons holding veterinary or medical qualifications.
The following conditions apply in each case:
- The suspected viscous or other material to be sent for examination must be enclosed in a glass bottle or jar, fitted with a stopper or sound cork.
- Great care must be taken that the stopper or cork of the bottle fits tightly. This precaution is especially necessary when alcohol is used as a preservative, in such cases a ring of bees wax or candle-wax must be placed round the lip of the bottle so as to cover the shoulder of the stopper. The stopper must be carefully fastened down with bladder or leather and sealed.
- The glass bottle or jar must then be placed in a strong wooden or tin box, which must be large enough to allow of a layer of raw cotton at least eighteen millimeters thick, being placed between the bottle or jar and the box.
- The box itself must be encased in cloth, which must be securely closed and sealed. The seals must be at intervals not exceeding three inches along each seam. All the seals must be of the same kind of wax and must bear distinct impressions of the same device. The device must not be that of a current coin or merely a series of straight curved or crossed lines.
Plague culture and Anthrax Spore vaccine
- Cultures or other articles known or believed to contain the livings germs of plague may be transmitted by the inland post, subject to the following conditions:
- Such cultures or other articles aforesaid must not be accepted for transmission, unless they are sent by a Commission Medical officer, a Military Assistant Surgeon or a Medical Practioner in possession of a qualification not lower than that of L.M.S. of the University of Calcutta, Punjab, Chennai or Mumbai, or by a person specially permitted by the Central Government or a State Government to send such cultures or other articles, not unless they are consigned to a Government Laboratory or to a person specially permitted by the Central Government or a State Government to receive such cultures or other articles.
- The culture or other articles aforesaid must be securely packet in a hermetically closed in of adequate strength, which must be placed in a strong box of wood or with a layer of at least eighteen millimeters or raw cotton-wool between the inner and outer case.
- The outer case must be enclosed in stout cloth, which must be securely fastened and sealed and labeled with such distinguishing inscription as will suffice to make immediately manifest the nature of the contents.
- The sender must present the parcel at the post office accompanied by a declaration as to the nature of its contents, and a certificate signed by himself to the effect that he has advised the addressee of its dispatch and that such addressee, if the parcel should not be addressed to a Government Laboratory, has been specially permitted by the Central Government or a State Government to receive such cultures or other articles. The certificate, moreover, must show on its face that the sender is a person authorized within the meaning of condition (a) to send such cultures or other articles.
- Bottles of anthrax spore vaccine may also be transmitted by post by laboratories permitted by the Central or State Governments to dispatch or receive such articles and on conditions prescribed in (b), (c) and (d) above.
Tuberculosis Sputum
Infectious tuberculosis sputum may be transmitted by post subject to the following conditions:
- That sputa samples and other tuberculosis material is specially permitted by the government to receive such materials.
- That the material is contained in spill proof glass metal or wax paper containers which are securely packed in a tin or wooden box of adequate strength with a layer of raw cotton wood of 3/4 of an inch thickness between the box and the containers. The box should be properly sealed.
- The box must be enclosed in a stout cloth bag which should be properly fastened, sealed and labeled with such distinguishing inscriptions as to make the nature of the contents manifest.
Strong Smelling Articles
Strong smelling articles (e.g. asafetida) must be enclosed in a hermetically sealed case of tin or other metal.
- Celluloid inflammable films raw or manufactured celluloid shall be packed in a double receptacle, such articles shall first be closed, in the case of celluloid or articles made wholly or partly of celluloid, in a box of tin, cardboard or wood, the vacant space being completely filled to prevent any movement of the contents. This box shall then be wrapped completely all round with padding material in sufficient quantity and placed inside a wooden box, made of planks not less than 10 mm (3/8 of an inch) thickness, the sides of which shall be dovetailed, the base and the lid being solidly screwed to the sides, any intervening space being completely filled with additional packing material so as to hold the inner receptacle tightly in position and to prevent any rattle. A white label bearing in heavy black characters the affixed to the address side of the parcel.
- In the case of non-inflammable or “Safety” cinematograph films, a white label bearing the words “Safety films – non- inflammable” in plain black letters must be affixed to the outside of each parcel. The provision relating to packing of inflammable films etc prescribed in sub-clause (1) above will not apply to the packing of non-inflammable films.
Osmic Acid
Osmic acid (Osmium tetroxide) may be transmitted by the Inland Post subject to the following conditions :
- The acid must be securely packed in a hermetically sealed stout glass capsule which should be embedded in the center of a tin case filled with sand in such a manner as to leave a layer of sand of not less than 4.3 centimeters between any part of the glass capsule and the inside of the tin case.
- The outside of the tin case be labeled in red letters one quarter of an inch high “ OSMIC ACID DANGEROUS TO HANDLE”.
- The tin case must be soldered down and placed in an outer box of wood of reasonable strength with a layer of at least 2.5 centimeters of raw cotton wool between the inner tin case and the outer wooden box.
- The outside of the wooden box should also be labeled in red letters “ OSMIC ACID”.
- The quantity of the acid enclosed in a capsule must not exceed two grams and not more than one capsule should be included in a parcel.
Perfumes though a spirituous preparation having in some cases a flash point of 35.6 C (96 F) or below and a greater strength than 60 U.P. may be transmitted by the Inland Post subject to the following conditions:
- The perfume must be filled in a glass bottle which should be plugged and capsuled. The glass bottle should then be packed in a cardboard box with cushion inside.
- The cardboard box must be wrapped with strong paper placed in an outer wooden box with corrugated paper and shavings.
- The outsider of the wooden box should also be labeled in red letters “Perfumes-keep away from fire”.
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Parcel Packaging services
Parcel Packaging services are offered in the following Post Offices across the Country.Link to download pdf. (Size : 404 KB)
To locate post office click here